Monday, October 22, 2007

Click click, bang bang

I joined a new group, and I intend to stick with it. It's the 365 Days group, at Flickr.

Basically, the idea is to take and upload a self-portrait every day, for one year.

I'm hoping to catch some important things in the upcoming year, such as getting pregnant (*fingers crossed*), quitting smoking, and...well, that's really all I can think of right now, lol X]

I think it will be interesting to see how my hobbies change throughout the year, as well. This year, I've gone from beadwork, to painting, to pencil drawing, to digital artwork, 3D texturing, to sewing clothing, t-shirt surgery, sewing hair-clips, making softies, little marble magnets, ATCs (Artist Trading Cards), and collages! I'm sure there has been more, actually....that's all I can think of that I have done in the past 3 months ;)

I have not quite decided when I want to start, tho...Perhaps today. I know I want to start this week, so I can be sure to catch the ATC (Army Training Conference) in Reno this weekend. My first formal event, the first time I have been to Reno at a "legal" age, and a lot of activity, new people, and hopefully, excitement!

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