Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The cat says, "Meow!"

I drew and carved these three stamps while at work on a particularly slow Monday night (Jan 21).

They are carved with a standard Xacto knife, from 2 Stanford Magic Rub erasers. This is a new eraser for me, and I do not like it as much as I love the Staedtler Mars erasers, but I like it better than the Pink Pearl erasers. The Magic Rub erasers have a lot of bubbles in them, and are not quite as soft as the Mars erasers.

The kitty cat was made at the request of my husband, and I am so happy with it! I already have some nifty ideas for him =]

The lightbulb came from me trying to think of things that started with the letter L. It was the simplest of these three carvings.

The cupcake is one I have been meaning to do for a while. I'm not on the "OMGZ I LOVE CUPCAKES!!" bandwagon, but I knew that I would be able to use this in many ATCs. It was a total pain the the ass to carve X]


Fiber Babble said...

Oh, how cool are THOSE? Wow, they look all professional and everything.

The cat is all that. Definitely.

(You interested in making my doodlebug into a stamp?) <3

Kyla Nicole said...

Dude, I'm so there.

One Doodlebug coming up! =]

Cotton Picker said...

Kyla Nicole, you did a really great job on those.

Carving my own rubber stamps is on my do to list this year.