Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hokey Pokey

So, I spend the majority of my crafting time sitting on the sofa, with my embroidery scissors, a skein or two of embroidery floss, my current project, and my standard tomato pincushion. Problem is, that little tomato pincushion is always rolling away! I'm constantly digging it out from under the sofa, from between the cushions, and the worst is when I reposition myself, and get stabbed in the butt by my wayward pincushion X[

So, of course, I made a new one. A flatter, prettier one! Woot! =]

Stupid, blurry pics *shakes fist*
It's dark, and I just didn't have the patience for properly photographing it. But it's cute. Really really cute. I don't even like brown, but this brown & pink combo really does it for me.

The embroidery took me two evenings, but it probably would have gone faster without Hubby's intense amusment at tickling me while I have a needle in my hand.

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