In my life right now: I'm living in the armpit of the country, hating every day of my life. I'm attempting college again, and trying to find a job so that I can save enough money to move. My goal is Arizona. There is family drama related to my decision, of course, but the fact of the matter is, I need to get out of here before I jump in front of a train! >=/
Here come a whole bunch of pictures!
My origami llama army in progress:

I made over 80 stitch markers! Here are a few of them.

Nautical sweater I've been working on. Of course, its now way up in the 90's, and all this needs now is ribbing around the cuffs (I'll have to get a more recent pic soon). The pattern is $5 in Paris (Ravelry)

A couple of project bags I made. Drafted the patterns up myself. Thinking of putting up a tutorial for the pink one, because I took a lot of pics while I was making it. The batik tote was made for my nautical sweater project. I made it to fit my KnitPicks Options pouch, and it's perfect :) The pink one is fully lined, and trimmed with bias tape, which also makes up the straps. I sometimes use it as a purse, and my daughter sometimes uses it as an overnight bag, but I made it to be a project bag...go figure.

Took my boy to the range! He's got serious talent; he hit about 75% of the targets he aimed for! I shot trap for the first time. I didn't hit shit, but I loved it! :) The boy is firing my Walther p22, I'm firing our 16ga shotgun. It was like 300deg outside that day =S

I've been cooking. A LOT. I've learned how to bake! I've been making bread, cookies, and just about everything I can get the ingredients for. I buy yeast in JARS, and flour 10-20lbs at a time! I *desperately* need a stand mixer, but it is waaaay out of our budget =/

Tying's what I do at 3am when I can't sleep.

I'd been eyeing the infinity knot rings online for months. So I made one! I'd love to make more, I have friends that want to buy them. Need a ring mandrel!

I've been working on this self portrait. Wacom tablet + Photoshop CS5

Aaaaand here's a recent picture of me...I think it's been a couple years since I've posted one.

Finally, I've been painting my nails. Seriously, like, EVERY DAY. Okay, not right this moment; I broke a couple, so I cut them all off, and still have about a week before I'll start on them again. I feel completely naked without nail polish -_- I have amassed a collection of about 40 polishes so far....okay, honestly, I haven't counted since I had 30, so I'm probably much closer to 60 polishes now! Sorry for the blurry pics; I change my mani so often, I often forget to take a pic until right before I change it, so I just end up using my iPhone.

I think that's enough for now. =)